Image Processing and Pattern Matching
growth of the Electronic Media, Process Automation and especially the
outstanding growth of attention to national and personal security in the past
few years have all contributed to the growing need of being able to
automatically detect features and occurrences in pictures and video streams on
a massive scale, without the need for human eye intervention and in real time.
To date, all technologies available for such automated processing have come
short of being able to supply a solution that is both technically viable and
white paper details the basic ideas behind a novel, patent-pending technology
called Image Processing over IP networks (IPoIP™). As its name implies,
IPoIP provides a solution for automatically extracting useful data from a large
number of simultaneous image (video or still) inputs connected to an IP network, but
unlike other existing methods, does so at reduced costs without compromising
reliability. The document will also outline the existing image-processing
architectures and compare them to IPoIP. Ending this document will be a short
chapter detailing several possible implementations of IPoIP in existing
A tremendous amount of research effort has been put
into the ability to extract meaningful data out of captured images (both video
and still) in the past years. As a result, a large number of proven algorithms
exist both for real-time and offline applications, algorithms that are
implemented on platforms ranging from pure software to pure hardware. These
platforms, however, are generally designed to deal with a relatively small
number of simultaneous image inputs (in most cases actually no more than one).
They are designed in one of two main architectures: Local Processing and Server
Local Processing Architecture
This is by far the most commonly available system
architecture for image processing. The main idea behind it is that all the
processing is done at the camera location by a processing unit, and the results
are then transmitted through a network connection to the monitoring area. The
processing unit is usually PC based for the more complex solutions but the
recent growing trend is to move the processing to standalone boxes based on a
DSP or even an ASIC. It performs the entire image-processing task and outputs a
suitable message to the network when an event is detected. Also residing at the
location of the camera is a video encoder that is used for remotely viewing the
video through the IP network. It can be configured to transmit the video at
varying qualities depending on the available bandwidth. The video is
transmitted using standard video compression techniques such as MJPEG, MPEG-4
and others. When cost is less of an issue, this architecture provides an
adequate solution for running a single type of algorithm per camera. However,
when the number of cameras increases and a more robust solution is needed
(which is in many times the case), this solution falls short due to the
following reasons:
Each camera requires its own dedicated processing resources, causing the system
cost to scale linearly with the number of cameras needed. No cost reduction is
possible when dealing with a large-scale system.
Each additional type of algorithm requires additional processing resources and
integration between various algorithms is costly.
In case of cameras that are distributed outdoors, PC based products provide an
inadequate solution due to space limitations and their inability to withstand
harsh environmental conditions.
DSP based solutions require a much higher development effort because of limited
resources and inferior development tools.
Processing Architecture The second type of system
architecture (although far less common) is the “Server Processing”
architecture. All of the image processing tasks are put on one single powerful
server that serves many cameras. From a hardware point of view, this solution
is more cost effective and is suitable for large-scale deployments. This
architecture is made possible due to the fact that there are only a small
percentage of “interesting” occurrences in each camera, requiring only a small
amount of actual processing power and allowing for one server to deal with many
cameras. Where this architecture comes short is on the network side – it has
extraordinary bandwidth requirements. Because all of the image-processing
functions are performed at the server, it needs to receive very high quality
images in order to provide accurate results. This creates a need for
significant network resources. When the application runs on a LAN with a
relatively small number of cameras this may be possible, but for distributed
applications with large numbers of cameras the solution becomes impractical
because of the costly network infrastructure required. This also leads
to the fact that this type of architecture is usually used in applications
where the algorithm works on a single frame at a time and not on a full video
Requirements For a Viable Solution
(Both Technical and Cost)
Having understood the limitations of the existing
image processing architectures, let us now look at the requirements for a
cost-effective and technically viable solution. Such a system must have the
following characteristics:
Scalability and mass-scale abilities – the system must be able to handle
deployments ranging from a few dozen cameras up to thousands of cameras
Scalability from a cost perspective – no matter what the scale of the
deployment is – the system has to provide a cost-effective solution.
The cameras should be able to be installed in geographically remote locations
(under the assumption that there is an IP network connection to these locations).
It must be possible to view each camera remotely from a monitoring station
connected to the network.
One or more image processing algorithms needs to be applied to each camera at
any given moment. The outputs of these algorithms need to be collected in a
central database and should also be viewable on the monitoring station.
It should be possible to easily add new algorithms or customize existing ones
without requiring massive upgrades to the system.
There's a need to detect both single-camera events and multi-camera events.
Multi camera events fuse the information from several sensors to create a
higher level event.
In Rural areas (tracks, pipelines, borders) where there's no infrastructure,
power requirements and bandwidths (especially if using wireless) are very
important. For these types of installations where power consumption is
critical, installing PC's is not an option.
IPoIP Architecture
The IPoIP architecture was designed to answer the
needs defined above with the following key goals in mind:
Providing a cost effective solution for image processing applications over a
large number of cameras without sacrificing detection probability or increasing
False Alarm Rate (FAR).
Enabling the application of any algorithm to any camera even if it is in a
geographically remote location with limited supporting facilities.
Providing the ability to apply a wide range of algorithms simultaneously to any
camera without limiting the user to only a single application at a time.
The uniqueness of IPoIP is a distributed image
processing architecture. Instead of performing the image-processing task either
at the camera or in the monitoring area using one of the two aforementioned
architectures, the algorithms are performed in both locations. They are
segmented into 2 parts and divided between the video encoder hardware and the
central image processing server. In this way IPoIP is able to retain the
strengths of both the “Local” and “Server” architectures, while avoiding their
idea behind this division is based on the fact that a processing unit already
exists near each camera inside the video encoder (used to compress the video).
This existing processing unit is a low-cost fixed-point processor and is highly
suitable for performing several operations (as described below) that allow the
sending of only a small amount of information to the image processing server
for the main analysis. In this way, the system utilizes both the high
resolution of the original video and the computing strength and flexibility of
the central server, without the need for a costly network.
Extraction Near the Camera
The initial part of the processing, which is done by
the video encoder is called Universal Feature Extraction (UFE). This process is
the part of the algorithm that works at the pixel level and extracts condensed
information (or “features”) from the image pixels. This process works on the
incoming images when they are at their highest quality and no data has been
lost due to image compression. When a suitable feature is located it is sent to
the central server for further analysis over the IP network. Since the feature
data is very compact, it requires a negligible amount of network bandwidth
(only around 20 Kbps for each camera). There are many types of features that
can be identified in this manner, including but not limited to:
Segmentation of foreground and background
Motion vectors – generated by tracking areas of the image between successive
Specific color value range in a specified space (RGB, YUV, HSV).
Edge information
Identifying problems with the input video image such as image saturation,
overall image noise and more.
upon request from the server, the video encoder can send the actual pixel data
for a certain portion of the image. For example, when performing automatic
license plate recognition, the video encoder can send only the pixels of the
license plate to the server, thus eliminating the need for more bandwidth as is
the case when sending the whole picture. The common attributes to all these
features is that they can be very efficiently implemented on fixed point DSP
processors on the one hand and provide excellent building blocks for a wide
variety of algorithms on the other hand (hence the name Universal Feature
Analysis At the Central Server
The main part of the processing is performed by the
IPoIP server. The server is able to dynamically request specific features from
each camera, according to the requirements of the specific algorithms that are
currently being applied.
The server analyzes the feature data that is
collected from each camera, and dynamically allocates computational resources
as needed. In this way the server is able to utilize large-scale system
statistics to perform very complex tasks when needed, without requiring a huge
and expensive network for support.
part of each algorithm that runs on the server performs the following main
Request specific features from the remote UFE.
Analyze the incoming features over time and extract meaningful “objects” from
the scene.
Track all moving objects in the scene in terms of size, position and speed and
calibrate all of This data into real word coordinates. The calibration process
transforms the 2 dimensional data Received from the sensors into 3 dimensional
data using various calibration techniques. Many Such techniques can be
implemented in accordance with the specific scene being analyzed.
Classify these objects into one of several major classes such as vehicles,
people, animals and Static objects. The classification process can be done
using various parameters such as size, Speed and shape (pattern recognition).
Obtain additional information regarding objects of interest such as color, or
sub classification (Type of vehicle, etc.)
Optionally extract unique identifying features for an object, such as license
plate recognition or facial recognition.
Decide based on all the gathered information and on the active detection rules
whether or not an event needs to be generated and the system operator informed.
Receive and analyze information from any other algorithm running on the server
at the same time. This very powerful capability enables easy implementation of
tasks such as inter-camera tracking. Using this ability a specific c moving
object (a person or vehicle) can be accurately tracked as it moves from the
field of view of one camera to the next with the system operator always viewing
the correct image. This ability also enables creating sequences of rules where
a rule on one camera only becomes activated (or deactivated) when a rule on
another camera detects an event.
is important to note that the algorithms at the server are constantly gathering
information regarding the scene even though most of the time no events are
being generated. This information can be stored as meta-data along with the
video recording and later enable very fast and efficient searches on large
amounts of recorded video content.
Combined End-Product
Utilizing the
methods described above, IPoIP is able to provide algorithm complexity level
and low costs that are unrivaled by any other existing method today as can be
seen in the following comparison table:
In the Physical Security Market VMDetector
The IPoIP platform is ideally suited for
applications needing multiple simultaneous image input and processing. The
fastest growing market today for such large scale image processing is the
Physical Security market. Standard security measures today include the rapid
deployment of hundreds of thousands of cameras in streets, airports, schools,
banks, offices and residences. These cameras are currently being used mainly
for enabling the surveillance of a remote location by a human operator or for
recording the occurrences at a certain location for use at a later time should
the need arise. The introduction of digital video networking and other new
technologies is now enabling the video surveillance industry to move to new
directions that significantly enhance the functionality of such systems. As a
result, video surveillance is rapidly penetrating into organizations needing
security monitoring on a very large scale and in widely dispersed areas – such
as railway operators, electricity and energy distributors, the Border and Coast
Guards and many more. Such organizations encounter new problems of operating
and handling a huge amount of cameras, While having to provide for extensive
bandwidth requirements. This is where the use of automatic video-based event
detection comes into play. Solutions are currently available for automatic
Video Motion Detection (VMD), License Plate Recognition (LPR), Facial
Recognition (FR), Behavior Recognition (BR), traffic violation detection and
other image processing applications. The output of these detection systems may
be used for triggering an alarm and/or initiating a video recording. This can
reduce network bandwidth requirements (in situations where constant viewing and
recording is not required) and allow allocation of human detection only to
those cameras that contain a special event.
All the current implementations of these algorithms
suffer from the inherent problems of existing system architectures as described
above, and thus are very costly and unable to penetrate them market on a large
scale. IPoIP provides the ideal platform for a cost-effective high performance
and constantly evolving physical security system.
Application - Railway System Protection
In order to demonstrate the practical use and
benefits of the IPoIP technology, following is a description of a typical
application – Railway System Protection. This example shares similar
requirements with other applications such as borderline security, pipeline
protection and more:
• Poor infrastructure
– The power and communication infrastructure along the tracks is not
guarantied. A low-power and low-bandwidth solution is mandatory (e.g.
transmitting hundreds or thousands of cameras are not practical). A wireless /
solar-cell powered solution is desired.
• Mostly outdoor environment
– The system should be immune to typical outdoor environment phenomena such as
rain, snow, clouds, headlights, animals, insects, pole vibration etc.
• Distributed locations
– Railway facilities (tracks, stations, bridges, tunnels, service depots etc.)
are distributed over a large geographic area, which forces using an IP network
based system.
• Large-scale
– A typical railway system would use thousands of cameras to protect the tracks
and all facilities. The (Nuisance Alarm Ratio/False Alarm Rate) NAR/FAR per
channel figures should be extremely low so that the accumulative system will
can effectively be monitored by a small number of operators.
• Critical system
– The system’s availability should be close to 100%. No single-point-of-failure
should exist. It is desired that the network will handle local failures such as
cable cuts.
• Variety of event types
– The video intelligence system should detect intruders, suspected objects,
safety hazards, suspected license plate numbers and other standard and
user-specific event types. This can be achieved using multiple high level
algorithms, including using several algorithms simultaneously for a single
• Low cost of ownership
– As the protected area is very large, rural and distributed, field visits are
very expensive. Therefore, a minimum amount of equipment in the field is vital
for low installation and maintenance costs.
Looking at the above list, it is clear that the
classic concept of local processing – either field based or center based –
fails to comply with most requirements. Field based solutions require lots of
computers in the field, resulting high power requirements and cost of
ownership. Server based solutions require transmission of all the video sources
at high quality all the time to the center, resulting in very high bandwidth
Using IPoIP technology, only low-power video
encoders with embedded feature extraction capability are required in the field.
Furthermore, most of time there’s no need to transmit video but only low
bandwidth feature stream data, which is a dramatic saving in network bandwidth
requirements without compromising on performance.
Poles are installed along the tracks. Each pole is
carrying a FLIR (thermal) camera, video encoder, IP network node and power
circuitry. The FLIR camera can detect persons reliably up to few hundred meters
at all weather and illumination conditions, thus preventing the need for
artificial illumination and reducing FAR/NAR. The camera consumes 2-5W. The
video encoder / feature extractor unit is a low power module that uses some
10-20Kbps of feature data in average and transmits video at higher bandwidth
(0.5-2Mbps) only when an event is detected or upon an operator’s request.
The encoder consumes 3-8W. The IP network can be
either a wired (copper or fiber) or wireless solution. For a wired network,
fiber is recommended as it is not limited by distance and immune to EMI/RFI. If
cabling if not possible or is too expensive, a wireless solution may be used. A
hybrid WI-FI and satellite based network is recommended such that the
inter-pole communication is WI-FI based and the access points use satellite
link. An antenna should be installed on the top of the pole. This solution does
not require any infrastructure and consumes about 10W per pole / 40W per access
point. Power may be supplied either by power lines or using a solar cell and
battery module. If cabling is used, it makes sense to use power lines. If a
wireless network is used, the power should be supplied by solar cells.
On top of the FLIR cameras used for intruder
detection, a PTZ color camera is installed every 2-4 Km for event monitoring
and management. Two algorithms are used to protect the railroad. A Video Motion
Detection (VMD) algorithm is used to detect persons and vehicles approaching
the protected area. A Non-Motion Detection (NMD) algorithm is used to detect
any static changes in the scene such as objects left on tracks (bomb, fallen
tree, stuck car) or damaged tracks (missing parts). These two algorithms are
used simultaneously. The server is located at the backend and is based on a
cluster of two or more computers designed as required for critical systems, The
server computers may even be geographically distributed over few locations to increase
robustness. The system may be operated from any location on the network. This
enables dividing large networks to various users / departments.
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