Re-configurable Implementation of Identity Based
Encryption for Wireless Sensor Networks
Department of Computer
science and Engineering,
Muthayammal engineering
college, Raspuram.
Abstract- Once considered
a playground for hackers and malicious attacks, wireless networks are fast
becoming more secure than their wired counterparts. Developments in micro
electro mechanical systems (MEMS) and wireless networks are opening a new domain
in networking history. Recent technological
advances in wireless networking, IC fabrication and sensor technology have lead
to the emergence of millimeter scale devices that collectively form a Wireless
Sensor Network (WSN) and are radically changing the way in which we sense,
process and transport signals of interest. They are increasingly become viable
solutions to many challenging problems and will successively be deployed in
many areas in the future such as in environmental monitoring, business, and
military applications. The huge challenge in WSN is due to inherent resource
and computing constraints. Because the sensor nodes are battery powered,
increasing the autonomous lifetime of a WSN is a challenging optimization
problem. Transmission of data is one of the most energy expensive tasks a node
undertakes – using data compression to reduce the number of bits sent reduces
energy expended for transmission. Data compression which highly reduces the communication
overhead by aggregating and compressing data packets is performed at
intermediate nodes.
However, deploying new technology, without security in
mind has often proved to be unreasonably dangerous. There have been significant
contributions to overcome many weaknesses in sensor networks like coverage
problems, lack in power and making best use of limited network bandwidth,
however; work in sensor network security is still in its infancy stage. The
problem of securing these networks emerges more and more as a hot topic. Symmetric key cryptography is commonly seen
as infeasible on such networks. Public key cryptography has its own key
distribution problem. In contrast to this prejudice this paper presents a
method to increase the lifetime of a WSN by minimizing the energy cost of
transporting information from a set of sources nodes to the sink nodes and for
achieving security we have used a new public-key
encryption technology called identity-based encryption (IBE) which allows to
calculate a public key directly from a user’s identity. By calculating public
keys instead of generating them randomly, many of the difficulties that make
encryption technology difficult to deploy and maintain are eliminated, making
encrypted communications much easier to implement than in the past. This paper presents the design approach to create small-sized high
speed implementation of the Identity Based Encryption algorithm using Spartan IIE 1.8V FPGA with PCI bus interface.
Index Terms—Wireless Sensor Networks, Cryptography, Energy Efficient, Identity Based
I. Introduction
Recent advancements in
the design and fabrication of low power VLSI circuitry, along with wireless
communications, have broadened the applications prospects for wireless sensor
networks. These networks are quickly gaining popularity due to the fact that
they are potentially low cost solutions to a variety of real world challenges
and are expected to play an essential role in the upcoming age of pervasive
Sensor networks are given by a large number of sensor
nodes that are densely deployed either inside or close to a phenomenon of
interest with computational capabilities connected through wireless links. Each
sensor node is an independent, low-power, smart device with sensing, processing
and wireless communication capabilities. From national defense, medical
applications, to the environment, the data delivered from the sensor networks
are unstructured, using their own format and protocols. Sensor networks are
delivering near-real-time information to scientists worldwide. Extracting this
information to gain knowledge and understanding is one of the greatest
challenges faced today.
Sensor networks are dense wireless
networks of small, low-cost sensors, which collect and disseminate
environmental data. These networks are an important ingredient of “anywhere
and anytime” ubiquitous wireless next generation communication infrastructure.
WSN is a combination of nodes that are used to sense data from its environment
and to send the aggregated data to its control node often called sink. In this
diversified yet integrated future network environments, WSN has a role of
reliable monitoring and control of variety of applications based on
environmental sensing. They
have applications in a variety of fields such as environment monitoring which involves
monitoring air, soil and water, condition based maintenance, habitat monitoring
(determining the plant and animal species population and behavior), seismic
detection, military surveillance, inventory tracking, smart spaces and
gathering sensing information in inhospitable locations, medical
and home security to machine diagnosis, chemical/biological detection etc.
These networks facilitate monitoring
and controlling of physical environments from remote locations with better
accuracy. WSN pose a number of unique technical challenges due to Adhoc
deployment, unattended operation, untethered, and dynamic changes. The scheme
presented in this paper for
achieving security we have used a new public-key
encryption technology called identity-based encryption (IBE).
The rest
of the paper is described as follows. Section 2 discusses the background
information for the architecture of WSN and components of a sensor node. The
motivation for the proposed scheme presented is discussed in Section 3. Section
4 discusses the related work. Section 5 discusses the limitations with the
previous work. Section 6 discusses the proposed scheme. Section 7 discusses
about the implementation details in VHDL using Spartan IIE 1.8V FPGA device. Conclusions
and future work conclude the paper.
II. Sensor
Network Architecture
A typical architecture of WSN is shown in the
figure 1. The sensor nodes are usually scattered in a sensor field. Each of
these scattered sensor nodes has the capabilities to collect data and perform
partial or no processing on the data. Each sensor node has the required
infrastructure to communicate with the other nodes. Data are routed back to the
sink by a multihop infrastructure less architecture through the sink.
Fig 1. Typical Sensor
The sink node communicates with the task manager
via core network which can be Internet or Satellite. Since Sensors are low
cost, low power, and small in size, the transmission power of a sensor is
limited. The data transmitted by a node in the field may pass through multiple
hops before reaching the sink. Many route discovery protocols (mostly inherited
from Ad hoc networks) have been suggested for maintaining routes from field
sensors to the sink(s). Due to low memory, scarcity of available bandwidth and
low power of the sensors, many researchers considered these separate route
discovery mechanisms undesirable.
Once sensors are deployed they remain
unattended, hence all operations e.g. topology management, data management etc.
should be automatic and should not require external assistance. In order to
increase the network life time, the communication protocols need to be
optimized for energy consumption. It means a node must be presented lowest
possible data traffic to process.
Fig 2. Components of a sensor node
The figure 2 shows the
components of a sensor node. A sensor node is made up of four basic components:
a sensing unit, a processing unit, a transceiver unit and a power unit. They
may also have additional application-dependent components such as a location
finding system, power generator and mobilizer. Sensing units are usually
composed of two subunits: sensors and analog to digital converter. The analog
signals produced by the sensors based on the observed phenomenon are converted
to digital signals by the ADC, and then fed to the processing unit. The
processing unit is generally associated with a small range a small storage
unit, manages the procedures that make the sensor node collaborate with the
other nodes to carry out the assigned sensing tasks. A transceiver unit
connects the node to the network. One of the most important components of the
sensor network is the power unit. Power unit may be supported by power
scavenging units such as solar cells. There are also other subunits that are
application dependent.
III. Motivation for the
Proposed Scheme
the sensor nodes are battery powered, increasing the autonomous lifetime of a
WSN is a challenging optimization problem. Communication of data within a WSN
is one of the most energy-expensive tasks a node undertakes – using data
compression to reduce the number of bits sent reduces energy expended for
communication. Data compression which highly reduces the communication overhead
by aggregating and compressing data packets is performed at intermediate sensor
nodes. However, compression requires computation, which also expends energy.
Fortunately, trading computation for communication can save energy since a
recent paper1 asserts that typically on the order of 3000 instructions can be
executed for the energy cost required to communicate one bit over a distance of
100 m by radio. Using that idea, we have shown6 that general data compression
can be used to enable energy savings.
Apart from achieving energy efficiency many WSN applications
that span military and civilian use assume that the sensor nodes will be
deployed hostile environments and thus be prone to a wide variety of malicious
attacks. As a result, security becomes a key concern. WSNs are particularly
vulnerable to several key types of attacks, such as denial of service attacks,
traffic analysis, privacy violation, physical attacks, node take overs, attacks
on routing protocols, etc.
The data transported and exchanged between sensor nodes is
critical. Such data has to be protected against threats in a way so classic
security properties like integrity, authenticity or confidentiality can be
guaranteed[12].To accomplish such security goals in modern networks like the
Internet or companies local area network cryptographic primitives like
encryption / decryption as well as signature schemes are usually needed. Keys for encryption purposes must be agreed
upon by communicating nodes. Due to resource constraints, achieving such key
agreement in wireless sensor networks is non-trivial. Many key agreement
schemes used in general networks, such as Diffie-Hellman and public-key based
schemes, are not suitable for wireless sensor networks. Pre-distribution of
secret keys for all pairs of nodes is not viable due to the large amount of
memory used when the network size is large.
The lack of a fixed infrastructure and ad hoc nature of WSN
deployments suggest that the ability to encrypt and decrypt confidential data
among arbitrary sensor nodes while enabling undisputed authentication of all
parties will be a fundamental prerequisite for achieving security. To do this,
nodes must be able to establish a secret key and know who their counterparts
are. Thus, it becomes highly desirable to have a secure and efficient
distribution mechanism that allows simple key generation for large-scale sensor
networks while facilitating all the necessary authentications.
Although a variety of key-generation methods have been
developed, they cannot be directly applied to sensor network environments due
to the problems such as very limited resources (memory, power), unreliable
communication (unreliable transfer, conflicts, latency ), Unattended Operation (Exposure to Physical Attacks, Managed
Remotely, No Central Management Point) etc. Due to these constraints it is
difficult to directly employ the existing security approaches to the area of
wireless sensor networks.
IV. Previous Work
Since there is limited bandwidth in wireless
sensor networks, it is important to reduce data bits communicated among sensor
nodes to meet the application performance requirements. It also saves node
energy since less bits are communicated between nodes. An approach is to
compress sensor data before transmissions to reduce energy as some loss is
acceptable without affecting the results of applications. Some of the
algorithms used for compression in WSN are coding by ordering scheme, PINCO
algorithm, Tunable Compression etc. Because of the problems mentioned in previous section security
is commonly considered as a delicate problem. One security aspect that receives
a great deal of attention in WSN is the area of key management. The two
possibilities for achieving security is to use symmetric cryptography and
public key cryptography. Two of the major techniques used to implement
public-key cryptosystems are RSA and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC).
But most security work on WSN focuses on the search for and
development of alternatives to classical public-key algorithms and public key
infrastructures. Recent work has challenged notion that Diffie-Hellman and
public key based schemes are infeasible in WSNs. Recently; however, several
groups have successfully implemented public-key cryptography (to varying
degrees) in wireless sensor networks.
Researches have demonstrated that basic ECC key generation
can in fact be attained sensor nodes in reasonable time and with predictable
improved performance. ECC has thus emerged as a suitable public key
cryptographic foundation that provides high security for relatively small key
sizes. In [1] Gura et al. report that both RSA and elliptic curve cryptography
are possible using 8-bit CPUs with ECC demonstrating a performance advantage
over RSA. Another advantage is that ECC’s 160 bit keys result in shorter
messages during transmission compared the 1024 bit RSA keys. In particular Gura
et al. demonstrate that the point multiplication operations in ECC are an order
of magnitude faster than private-key operations within RSA, and are comparable
(though somewhat slower) to the RSA public-key operation [1].
In [3], Watro et al. show that portions of the RSA
cryptosystem can be successfully applied to actual wireless sensors,
specifically the UC Berkeley MICA2 motes [2]. In particular, they implemented
the public operations on the sensors themselves while offloading the private
operations to devices better suited for the larger computational tasks. In this
case, a laptop was used.Compared to RSA, the prevalent public-key scheme of the
Internet today, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) offers smaller key sizes,
faster computation, as well as memory, energy and bandwidth savings and is thus
better suited for small devices.
V. Limitations
with the Previous Work
previous work on data compression techniques can conserve battery but they need
to be lightweight [19] with no heavy processing requirements. Another important
element is the trade-off between compression and data quality. Higher
compression ratios will result in fewer transmissions, but they may conceal
minor movements in the measured variable. Therefore, the function of
compression algorithms is to minimize the number of required readings, but
still maintain a faithful representation of the underlying data series.
In the security point of view, symmetric cryptography, which
is computationally inexpensive, can be used to achieve some of these security
goals. One major drawback with this approach is the key exchange problem i.e.
the two communication nodes must somehow know the shared key before they can
communicate securely.
So the problem that arises is how to ensure that the shared
key is indeed shared between the two hosts who wish to communicate and no other
rogue hosts who may wish to eavesdrop. How to distribute a shared key securely
to communicating hosts is a non-trivial problem since pre-distributing the keys
is not always feasible. Unfortunately, capturing even a single node, in the
network would easily reveal the network’s secret key. So it is inflexible with
respect to key management as it requires pre-distribution of keys. On the other
hand, public key cryptography allows for flexible key management, but requires
a significant amount of computation.
The main
difficulty today in developing secure systems based on public key cryptography
is not the problem of choosing appropriately secure algorithms or implementing
those algorithms. Rather, it is deployment and management of infrastructures to
support the authenticity of cryptographic keys: there is a need to provide an
assurance to the user about the relationship between a public key and the
identity (or authority) of the holder of the corresponding private key. In a
traditional Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), this assurance is delivered in the
form of certificate, essentially a signature by a Certification Authority (CA)
on a public key [1].The issues associated with certificate management,
including revocation, storage and distribution and computational cost of
certificate verification. These are particularly acute in processor or
bandwidth-limited environments.
VI. Proposed Work
In contrast to this prejudice this paper presents a method to
increase the lifetime of a WSN by minimizing the energy cost of transporting
information from a set of sources nodes to the sink nodes and for achieving
security we have used a new public-key encryption technology
called identity-based encryption (IBE). This paper presents the design approach to create small-sized high speed implementation of the
Identity Based Encryption algorithm using Spartan IIE 1.8V
FPGA with PCI bus interface (next section).
Piecewise linear representation
For compression we have used the fixed compression technique know as of
time series. It can be
loosely defined as a method which divides up a given time series into a series
of straight lines and can adopt a sliding window, top-down or bottom-up
approach [9]. This method can also be simplified to develop a Piecewise
Constant Approximation whereby the time series is represented by a sequence of
constant line segments.
Existing studies have found both Piecewise linear approximation
techniques to be effective at compressing sensor data [4, 19]. Piecewise linear approximation
algorithms or segmentation algorithms provide substantial benefits when
incorporated in compression techniques. After the sensor data has been
compressed it can be encrypted with the following encryption scheme.
B. Identity Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing
In 1984,
Shamir [31] proposed a concept of Identity-based cryptography. In this new
paradigm of cryptography, users' identifier information such as email or IP
addresses instead of digital certificates can be used as public key for
encryption or signature verification. As a result, identity-based cryptography
significantly reduces the system complexity and the cost for establishing and
managing the public key authentication framework known as Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI).
In practice, the form of the identity that is used to calculate an IBE
key depends on the application. For encrypting e-mail, a string that represents
the e-mail address of the recipient is a good choice, but in other
applications, a phone number, a device serial number, an IP address or a MAC
address might be more logical; any identity that is globally unique can be
In this
paper we propose a fully functional identity-based encryption scheme. The
performance of our system is comparable to the performance of ElGamal
encryption in Fp. The security of our system is based on a natural analogue of
the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption. Based on this assumption we show
that the new system has chosen ciphertext security in the random oracle model.
Using standard techniques from threshold cryptography [20, 22] the PKG in our
scheme can be distributed so that the master-key is never available in a single
C. Choosing the IBE Key in
In sensor
networks, attributes such as location identify the final traffic destination
[2] and are even used directly by the routing protocol instead of a network
address [4]. The reason is that more common attributes can be encoded in only a
few bits. Each node still has a unique network address, but only very rarely is
this used for routing. Each node has a network-wide unique ID and a low-power
transceiver. Its range may differ due to variations in device implementation
and wireless propagation environment; such that communication links between two
nodes are not necessarily bidirectional. So the network-wide unique ID of
sensor node can be chosen as IBE key for encryption.
D. IBE System
system contains four basic components in its construction:
1). System Setup: IBE systems rely upon a trusted central authority that
manages the parameters with which keys are created. This authority is called
the Private Key Generator or PKG. The PKG creates its parameters, including a
master secret Kpkg from which private keys are created.
2). Encryption: When a Sensor node (A) wishes to encrypt a message to another
node(B) in the network, it (A) encrypts the message to B by computing or
obtaining the public key, PB, and then encrypting a plaintext message
M with PB to obtain ciphertext C.
3). Key Extraction: When node B wishes to decrypt the message C that was
encrypted to that name, it authenticates itself to the PKG and obtains the
secret key SB that it uses to decrypt messages.
4). Decryption: When node B has C and SB, it decrypts C to
obtain the plaintext message

E : Identity Based Encryption
D: Identity Based Decryption
M : Compressed Sensor Dara
C. Encrypted Data
PB: Public Key computed for Encryption
SB Secnet Key
IDB Identifier of
receiving Sensor node B
Fig 3. Proposed
IBE Encryption System in WSN
E. Advantages of using IBE System
IBE is a public-key technology, so it has all the benefits that other
public key technologies have, but it also brings other benefits, since IBE keys
are calculated instead of being randomly generated. Since we can calculate a
key for any node, there is no pre-enrollment required for nodes of an IBE
system. Since we calculate keys, there is no requirement for looking up public
keys, and one of the big practical difficulties that has been associated with
public-key cryptography is no longer an issue. And since we calculate a node’s
private key when it initially requests it, we can easily recalculate it at
other times, giving us built-in key recovery capability, an essential
capability for an encryption system to have for it to be used by businesses.
A useful side-effect of built-in key recovery is that it is easy to
integrate IBE encryption with message hygiene technologies, making it feasible
to actually scan encrypted messages for malicious content like viruses, spam or
phishing attacks. To implement this we just need to give a mail gateway
permission to recover private keys from a PKG. Then the gateway can decrypt any
encrypted messages, perform the content filtering that its security policy
requires, and then re-encrypt the messages and forward them to their
destination. Being able to calculate public keys is particularly useful when
you need to communicate securely but you do not know beforehand with whom you
will need to communicate.
Using IBE, it is easy to communicate with a node who has not already
enrolled in our system. All we need to do is calculate the public key for the recipient
node and then use that key to encrypt a message to that node. Then once the
recipient node of the encrypted message authenticates himself to the PKG and
gets his private key, we have created a secure communication channel.
Vhdl based fpga implementation
Hardware description languages are being increasingly popular
in designing large scale integrated circuits. Some of the popular HDL’s are
VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language where VHSIC-Very High Speed
Integrated Circuits) and VerilogHDL. VHDL is a popular HDL that can be used to
model a digital system at many levels of abstraction, ranging from algorithmic
level to the gate level and can also be described hierarchically. It supports
many of the features in high level languages. The fundamental motivation to use
VHDL is that it is a standard, technology/vendor independent language, and is
therefore portable, reusable and promotes rapid prototyping. Therefore the
vital advantage is its device independent nature. The designer’s source code
can be targeted to any technology without changes which provides reduced design
cycle times, faster time to market and reduced cost. The two main applications
of VHDL are in field of Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs–Complex Programmable
Logic Devices & FPGAs – Field Programmable Gate Arrays) and in field of
ASICs. Once the VHDL code has been written, it can be used either to implement
the circuit in programmable device (from Altera, Xilinx, Atmel) or can be
submitted to foundry for fabrication of ASIC chip.
A. FPGA Design Methodology
Fig 3: Design Flow
& Tools in Development of Cryptographic Modules
The target FPGA device
was Xilinx SpartanIIE XC2S200E. The design flow and tools used for the
implementation of cryptographic modules are shown in Fig 1. All algorithms were
first described in VHDL, and their description verified through the functional
simulation using ModelSim XE II v5.7c, a simulator from Mentor Graphics
Company. Test vectors and intermediate results from the reference software
implementations based on Crypto++ library [1] were used for debugging and
verification of VHDL codes. The revised
VHDL code became
an input to the
Xilinx integrated environment
ISE 6, performing
the automated logic synthesis,
mapping, placing, and routing. Tools included in this environment generated
reports describing the area and speed of implementation, a net list used
for timing simulation, and a bit stream
used to configure an actual FPGA device.
This newer simulator (ISE + ModelSim) offers a much broader set of features,
which allow, a more refined timing analysis. All designs were fully verified
through behavioral, post-synthesis, and timing simulations, and experimentally
tested. The Bit stream (stored
for production solution in DPRAM) that is transferred contains all information
to define the logic and interconnect of the design and is different for every
design. An associated piece of hardware connects the computer to a target
device board.
B. Advantages of FPGA Based Implementation
hardware devices such as FPGAs are an appealing alternative for the
implementation of cryptographic algorithms. Their advantages combine
flexibility and ease of upgrade (modification of software) with improved
physical security and performance. In addition, the time and cost of FPGA
design are smaller than in other hardware approaches (ASIC) which has longer
design cycle. These capabilities of FPGAs make them a suitable platform for
cryptographic applications. Their structure allows complex arithmetic
operations that are not suited to general purpose CPUs to be implemented more
efficiently. The fast prototyping development time of an FPGA design allows
modifications to be implemented with relative ease. Also, the newest generation
of FPGA devices, features very sophisticated internal architectures help
designers to make better use of available resources. Though software
implementations provide ease of use, ease of upgrading, portability,
flexibility, hardware implementation has more physical security by nature, as
it can not easily be modified by an attacker. But the speed of a software
implementation is restricted to the speed of the computing platform and there
are vulnerabilities for viruses and other complications due to system failures.
- Target Device – Spartan
Fig. 4:
Basic Spartan IIE Family FPGA Block Diagram
Spartan™-IIE 1.8V FPGA family gives users high performance, abundant logic
resources, and rich feature set, with exceptionally low price through advanced
architecture and semiconductor technology. This family offers densities ranging
from 50,000 to 600,000 system gates with system performance beyond 200 MHz.
Features include block RAM (288K bits), distributed RAM (221,184 bits), 19
selectable I/O standards, and 4 DLLs (Delay-Locked Loops) one at each corner of
die. Successive design iterations continue to meet timing requirements. The
family has a regular, flexible, programmable architecture of Configurable Logic
Blocks (CLBs), surrounded by a perimeter of programmable Input/Output Blocks
(IOBs).Two columns of block RAM lie on opposite sides of the die, between CLBs
and IOB columns and is interconnected by a powerful hierarchy of routing
channels offering unlimited reprogramming cycles. They are typically used in
high-volume applications where versatility of a fast programmable solution adds
benefits and ideal for shortening product development cycles.
VIII. Security
Analysis of IBE System
A. Secure Against Chosen Ciphertext
Security Attack:
ciphertext security (IND-CCA) is the standard acceptable notion of security for
a public key encryption scheme. Hence, it is natural to require that an
identity-based encryption scheme also satisfy this strong notion of security.
However, the definition of chosen ciphertext security must be strengthened a
bit. The reason is that when an adversary attacks a public key ID in an
identity-based system, the adversary might already possess the private keys of
users ID1;:::; IDn of her choice. The system should remain secure under such an
attack. Hence, the definition of chosen ciphertext security must allow the
adversary to obtain the private key associated with any identity IDi of her
choice (other than the public key ID being attacked). We say that an identity-based
encryption scheme E is semantically secure against an adaptive chosen
ciphertext attack (IND-ID-CCA) if no polynomially bounded adversary A has a
non-negligible advantage against the Challenger.
B. Secure
Against Key Escrow Problem:
cryptosystems have many advantages over PKI based cryptosystems in key
distribution, but they also have an inherent drawback of key escrow problem,
i.e. users' private keys are known to the Private Key generation center (PKG).
Therefore secure key issuing (SKI) is an important issue in ID-based
cryptography. Therefore we use a new secure key issuing protocol in which a
private key is issued by a Private key generation center (PKG) and then its
privacy is protected by multiple key privacy authorities (KPAs). In this
protocol we can achieve a secure channel by using simple blinding technique in
pairing-based cryptography. Only a legitimate user who has the secret blinding
parameter can retrieve his private key from the protocol.
In this
protocol single KGC and multiple KPAs are used. The key issuing process
consists of the following three stages.
1). In key issuing stage, a sender
node sends its identity and blinding factor to the KGC and requests him to
issue a partial private key. Then, after checking the identity of the node, the
KGC issues a partial private key to the user in a blinded manner.
2). In key securing stage, the node
requests multiple KPAs in a sequential manner to provide key privacy service,
and then KPAs return the real private key in a blinded manner.
3). Finally, in key retrieving stage,
the node unblinds it to retrieve the real private key.
the honesty of at least one KPA, the privacy of the private key is kept. Only
the legitimate sensor node who knows the blinding parameter can unblind the
message to retrieve the private key. This secure key issuing protocol overcomes
the key escrow problem of ID-based cryptography, thus it can be applied to more
complex applications satisfying stronger security requirements.
IX. Conclusion
As the applications of wireless
sensor networks tend to increase more rapidly, the problem of achieving energy
efficient communication and securing them against attacks becomes much more
important. Without proper security, it is impossible to completely trust the
results reported from sensor networks deployed outside of controlled environments.
In this paper we have seen how one can use the fixed compression technique such
as piecewise linear representation and Identity Based Encryption from
Weil Pairing to achieve energy efficient and secure communication in WSN. The
hardware implementation of IBE algorithm is studied with FPGA as target device.
Many of the difficulties that make Public key
encryption technology difficult to deploy and maintain are eliminated, making
encrypted communications much easier to implement than in the past. The advantages of the FPGA-based design
are much more significant since, as previously explained, architectural design
can benefit from additional parallelization of operations. The architecture can
be easily fitted to a single device.
FPGA implementations
would therefore be suitable as components in cryptographic accelerators. The
device utilization of design is significantly small. The unused resources can
be utilized to implement several cores in the same device and thereby
processing several messages in parallel. This would be an attractive feature
for a cryptographic accelerator. The Spartan devices provide better performance
than the previous generation of FPGAs achieving synchronous system clock rates
of more than 200 MHz. But latest devices can provide more than 400 MHz clock speeds
& more resources. Further critical paths delays can be reduced by timing
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